Communities, Ideas, Action, Change!
Together 4 Change supports people, communities, and small charities to have a strong voice on the social care and health issues that affect them.
We do this in partnership with people and organisations who share our vision by:
- developing and managing online communities;
- creating and maintaining websites;
- supporting online and offline events;
- sharing experience;
- training;
- mentoring;
- providing advice.
We passionately believe that by bringing groups and communities together, ideas develop, and actions are taken that change lives positively.
Here are some of the organisations and communities that we work in partnership with:
Featured Communities

Mental Health Forum
The Mental Health Forum aims to be the friendliest place on the web to discuss mental health issues. It is run by a team of volunteers. Over 100 million pages have been viewed since the forum started.
The Choice Forum
The Choice Forum is a UK Learning Disability Forum. Here, family members, paid and volunteer staff and people with learning disabilities themselves can share experiences to make a difference.

LDOX is a Learning Disabilities Community for Oxfordshire. People from Oxfordshire are invited to ask questions, share information, and talk about what is happening in their lives.